How To Get Ancient Gear Cards Duel Links
Ancient Gear: deck recipe [June 7]
Duel Links Ancient Gear deck, how to use, cards, combos, skills, Aboriginal Gear in the current meta.
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update 07/06/2022
Table of contents
- Required Carte du jour Boxes
- Example deck
- Ready skill
- How to Play
Required Card Boxes
Main Deck
Extra Deck
Example deck
Standard Version
Set skill
[Skill] description | User |
Battle! Aboriginal Gear Each of the following effects tin can be used once per turn and twice per Duel. ● During this turn, you can Normal Summon/Set up "Ancient Gear Golem" or "Aboriginal Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound " without tributing. ● If you lot command "Aboriginal Gear Golem", prepare 1 "Polymerization" from outside of your Deck. During the End Phase of this turn, return that card to the very bottom of your Deck. This Skill can only exist used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains at least 12 Level eight or lower "Ancient Gear" monsters and no monsters other than "Aboriginal Gear" monsters. | Vellian Crowler |
How to Play
Aboriginal Gear Golem & Ultimate Pound
Aboriginal Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound | World Machine ★8 ATK 3000 / DEF 3000 |
Aboriginal Gear Awakening [UR] | |
Cannot be Special Summoned. If this carte du jour attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle harm. Up to twice per turn, when this attacking card destroys a monster past boxing: You tin discard 1 Motorcar monster; this card can attack again in a row. If this carte on the field is destroyed by battle or menu effect: You can add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand, and if y'all do, add ane other "Ancient Gear" monster from your GY to your manus. |
Allows for multiple attacking when Ultimate Pound destroys your opponent's monster by boxing which will deals massive amount of impairment or even possibly OTK. However, unfortunately Ultimate Pound doesn't have any backrow immunization while battle like other Aboriginal Gear monsters.
Aboriginal Gear Golem | EARTH Machine ★8 ATK 3000 / DEF 3000 |
Vellian Crowler [UR] | |
Cannot be Special Summoned. If this card attacks a Defence Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Harm Step. |
Unlike the Ultimate Pound, Ancient Gear Golem does prevent any backrow disruption until the cease of the damage steps while it attacks. Thanks to the Howitzer'southward effect or the Skill, you tin can summon Ancient Gear Golem much easier.
Ancient Gear Hunting Hound
Aboriginal Gear Hunting Hound | Earth Auto ★iii ATK one thousand / DEF 1000 |
Cross Dimension [SR] | |
If this bill of fare is Normal Summoned: Inflict 300 damage to your opponent. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the stop of the Damage Stride. In one case per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 "Aboriginal Gear" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field every bit Fusion Materials. |
Tin can inflict 300 harm to your opponent when Hunting Hound is normal summoned. This card's second issue can brand the Fusion Summon of "Aboriginal Gear Howitzer", "Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem".
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Ancient Gear Wyvern | EARTH Machine ★4 ATK 1700 / DEF 1200 |
Ancient Gear Awakening [R] | |
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You tin add one "Ancient Gear" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Ancient Gear Wyvern", too you cannot Set cards for the rest of this plough. You lot can only use this effect of "Ancient Gear Wyvern" once per turn. If this card attacks, monsters in your opponent's possession cannot actuate their effects until the end of the Impairment Step. |
Summon Aboriginal Gear Wyvern to fetch an Ancient Gear carte. This will be used to fetch Hunting Hound for fusion summoning Howitzer.
Just remember to prepare your backrow earlier summoning Wyvern.
Ancient Gear Frame
Aboriginal Gear Frame | EARTH Machine ★4 ATK 1600 / DEF 500 |
Ancient Gear Awakening [R] | |
You lot tin discard 1 carte du jour; add from your Deck to your hand, ane "Ancient Gear Golem" or 1 Spell/Trap that specifically lists the card "Ancient Gear Golem" in its text. You tin only utilize this event of "Ancient Gear Frame" once per turn. If this bill of fare attacks, your opponent cannot activate whatsoever Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Impairment Pace. If this face-up card in its possessor's control leaves the field because of an opponent'due south card effect: Y'all tin can Special Summon up to 3 "Aboriginal Gear Golem" and/or "Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound" from your paw, ignoring their Summoning conditions. |
Past discarding a card, Aboriginal Gear Frame allows yous to add to your mitt an Ancient Gear Golem for fusion materials.
If Aboriginal Gear Frame leaves the field because of an opponent's card issue, y'all can Summon upwards to three copies of Aboriginal Gear Golem or Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound from your paw ignoring their Summoning conditions. But proceed in heed that this card has to be face-up on the field for its event to trigger, which means you lot can't just Gear up it.
Extra Decks
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem | EARTH Machine ★10 ATK 4400 / DEF 3400 |
Vellian Crowler [UR] | |
"Ancient Gear Golem" + two "Ancient Gear" monsters This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. During boxing betwixt this attacking bill of fare and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this carte du jour, inflict the departure as Boxing Damage to your opponent. If this bill of fare attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the finish of the Damage Step. If this card is destroyed, you tin Special Summon 1 "Ancient Gear Golem" from your Graveyard, ignoring the Summoning atmospheric condition. |
Ultimate Aboriginal Gear Golem is a 4400 ATK monster that can inflict piercing impairment, shut down your opponent'southward backrow on assail declaration and, if destroyed, fifty-fifty Special Summon Ancient Gear Golem from your Graveyard, ignoring its Summoning weather condition.
There are only two problems with this card: it's a Fusion Monster that requires 3 Materials which volition cost alot for hand sources and nothing stops your opponent from taking control of information technology and but swinging into your Life Points.
Ancient Gear Howitzer | World Machine ★8 ATK g / DEF 1800 |
Cantankerous Dimension [UR] | |
2 "Ancient Gear" monsters Unaffected past other cards' effects. During your Main Phase: You can inflict 500 damage to your opponent. You can merely utilise this outcome of "Ancient Gear Howitzer" once per turn. If this carte is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You tin can Special Summon i "Ancient Gear" monster from your Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. |
Easily special summoned by using Hunting Hound and any other Ancient Gear monsters with inflicting 500 damage to your opponent once per main phase of yours. Allowed to other menu's effect but at the same time that means you cannot increase its stats past using whatsoever other cards as well.
If Howitzer gets destroyed, you can Special Summon any Ancient Gear monsters including Ancient Gear Golem from your Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
Galaxy-Optics Zip Dragon | LIGHT Dragon ★viii ATK 3000 / DEF 2500 |
Phantom of Rebellion [UR] | |
2 Level 8 monsters In one case per turn: Y'all tin can detach 1 Xyz Material from this bill of fare, then target one confront-upward monster your opponent controls; monsters you lot control cannot attack your opponent directly for the remainder of this plow, except this card, too take control of the targeted monster until the End Phase, just while this issue is practical, it has its furnishings negated, its ATK becomes 3000, also its name becomes "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon". |
A potential OTK card if your opponent controls 1 or 2 monsters. This well-nigh works like Malevolent Sin since it lets you directly attack if your opponent only controls 1 monster.
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon | Dark Dragon ★iv ATK 2500 / DEF 2000 |
Phantom of Rebellion [UR] | |
2 Level 4 monsters Y'all tin can disassemble 2 Xyz Materials from this bill of fare, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this carte du jour gains that lost ATK. |
General Rank 4 Xyz Monster for players to use so far. Its effect substantially lets yous deal 2500 (its own ATK) damage if this attacks the monster you targeted. The reward is that your opponent's monster's ATK is besides lowered, allowing you to set on over it with your other weaker monsters particularly you can use Ultimate Pound to deals massive damage.
Number lxx: Malevolent Sin | Night Insect ★four ATK 2400 / DEF 1200 |
Photons of Galaxy [SR] | |
ii Level 4 monsters In one case per plow: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish information technology until your opponent'south next Standby Phase. At the end of the Impairment Stride, if this carte du jour attacked: You lot can make this card proceeds 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3. |
Works well against opponents that only have 1 monster on the field. Even better if it's an XYZ monster since information technology will remove all their materials, or if it's a monster that says that it can't be special summoned in the card text.
Hey help needed
Merely started iv days agone annihilation I should add or change to this deck i spent in total like $10 just so u know is there and card that i should add or alter.
<< Anonymous(Hey aid needed )
Just small advise drib all the fusion cards and drop all ancient gear golems pound and normal they are not worth the endeavor the main focus is reactor dragon
If you really want to play the fusions the drib all reactior dragons and geartowns and add 2 ancient gear box
<< Anonymous(Hey help needed )
Besides in drib the normal monster ancient gear castle (the spell proceed the skill) and ancient gear equip they just brick the deck
<< Bearding(Hey aid needed )
don't play traps nor ultimate pound.
PLAY 2 Twister
1 double cyclone and everything focused on Geartown + Reactor Dragon.
Breaker the Magical Warrior is another neat monster menu for this deck.
Bearding No. ii
I saw some people in Fable nevertheless using this deck.
I gauge some of us are nonetheless stuck in 2017.
<< Anonymous
i do that. its boring playing the same decks unless youve never made it past legend before. this meta is boring right now
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. ii)
I've seen people playing AG in KOG, so....yeah
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Damn sometime histrion already. I started playing this game for the first release until the 6th pack boxes. And now they have 21th boxes... Dont know the meta, dont know how to synchro. Damn information technology...
<< Anonymous(Me)
Yous'll take hold of on fast- Synchros are fairly easy to understand
Yea seriously this deck has gotten out of mitt. Information technology is a i sided duel most of the time. Ancient gear has gotten way to many cards for their archetype while I am all the same waiting for Dark magician support, sheesh wth is incorrect with you
<< Anonymous
Nope, this deck isn't perfect I can defeat this deck hands with so many deck variation.
This decks needs to go abroad
<< Bearding
LOL Sounds like someone tin't beat Ancient Gears.
AG has some problems to overcome in today'due south meta.
One of the upshot, is that they lack good low level monsters to summon. Nevermind doing anything against meta decks, y'all're screwed since the start if you don't become something skilful you can summon early in the game, and fifty-fifty worse role, Knight, the but good level 4 or lower AG, is a Gemini pregnant it takes ii turns to be useful, assuming information technology even survived the first plough.
Even the instant Castle means nothing if yous don't take anything to summon. It'south a risky move waiting for the opponent to summon something and so your Castle tin can gain a counter, while your monster zone is empty.
The only other level 4 or lower you nigh likely will apply is Sergeant Electro, which not only is not an AG, it also has only 1600 ATK. It'south risky summoning information technology on the 1st turn, especially since it has zippo to target with its furnishings.
<< Bearding
Ancient Gear Frame too.
It'due south Level iv, and then it is easily summoned, and while 1600 ATK isn't much, only existence able to spit out AGG from hand ignoring Summoning Condition would exist useful in situations where you accept a dead AGG in hand with no other way to summon it.
<< Anonymous
We also need Toon AGG. It volition non be destroyed when Toon World is not on the field and it can be special summoned.
<< Anonymous
I desire all of the above.
<< Bearding
Why don't you just use Geartown with spell removals such every bit Double Cyclone? Yous can special summon any of your level eight-nine AGs from your deck.
You don't need Castle at all with this setup, or only as a backup.
It can make yous win on turn 1 or 2.
When Dr. cronos fought Camula it was just like Cyborg 009 VS DEVILMAN ! LOL
<< Anonymous
Lol that's quite a practiced show really
<< Anonymous
Interesting, quite a fitting analogy
I call back last yr when this deck was tier ane. It was a good deck, and only people who really farmed Crowlers first issue had all the cards, beingness able to overcome backrow similar mirror wall and piercing harm was hard to beat. So 1 day, the skill center age mecha got nurfed and it got less consistent. Eventually information technology got power crept, but that's basically the history of this deck.
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz )
I don't think Eye Age Mechs always gets nerfed.
It'south just that better decks shows up and powercrept this deck.
This deck really needs a lot of the newer AG cards to smoothen again.....
<< Anonymous
The skill definitely got nerfed. Earlier it was nerfed, it also used to start at the beginning of your opponents turn just it only begins on your starting time plough at present (not the opponents anymore).
Why does nobody run AG beast? That menu is a staple every game for me especially with the boost from rare metal morph shuting out targeting spells and opponents card effects
<< Bearding
Probably because Reactor Dragon is a amend Ancient Gear Creature anyway? Plus the deck really doesn't need more loftier-levels.
<< Anonymous
Brute can't be special summoned. Terminate of story.
<< Bearding
With the add together of geartown and the low cede price of beast compared to reacor dragon I still find good utilize for beast
The day will come... And you can be king over again...
<< Anonymous
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon!
Aboriginal Gear Reborn!!
<< Anonymous
Those cards are weak sauce, we need more broken cards like AG Howitzer, AG Hunting Hound, and AG Chaos Giant with AG Fusion and AG Hydra to arrive every bit consistent as possible. ONLY THEN CAN Ancient GEARS BE ON THE TIER Listing Over again
don't you feel sad when you summon your golem then it got floodgated instantly.
<< Anonymous
A flood of emotions sweeps me abroad and I feel trapped and depressed so i wait outside at the gate and kickoff to cry
WE NEED More than AG Back up
<< Anonymous
Nosotros should have got Chaos Ancient Gear Giant as Crowler'south level 45 reward
<< Bearding
This. But instead nosotros got a trash that nobody will employ even if we take 3 copies....
<< Anonymous
And if Chaos Behemothic is still too much, at least requite united states Ancient Gear Frame.
this deck is outdated, where'southward the AG fusion ?
<< Anonymous
the normal aboriginal gear golem version is ameliorate ,because for ultimate AGG need 3 monster carte du jour + Polymorph (basically a one trick pony plus no defense if you got econned)
<< Anonymous
If nosotros ever become Aboriginal Gear Chaos Behemothic in DL, everyone would be running the fusion build
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